Wednesday 7 August 2013

Pin It Do It - Crustless Quiches

by Bex

Come back this afternoon for a craft club update and find out how to join :)  (It's also your chance to meet Mummy OliveDragonfly!)

A couple of weeks ago, I needed a super quick recipe for baking club.  The theme was picnic and I had the idea that quiche might be an easy one as I could make the pastry on the Tuesday night and then make my quick eggy filling on Wednesday after work and could take it along still warm.  Sadly, I was still rather jet lagged and after working 9-7 on Tuesday I pretty much went straight to bed.  Cue the crustless quiche idea!

I searching Pinterest for ideas and came up with a combination of this one and this one and adapted my own recipe using the flavour combination from the first.  They are SO quick and easy but tasted great.

Spinach Quiche Cups via Pinterest

Makes 12

5 eggs
2 tbsps of double cream
50g parmesan cheese, grated
50g sun dried tomatoes chopped
large handful of basil, chopped
salt & pepper to season

Preheat the oven to 190oC.

Oil a non-stick muffin tin.  Beat the eggs in a large jug.  Add the remainder of the ingredients and mix well.

Pour into the muffin tin and bake in the centre of the oven for 10 minutes.  Check with a skewer and leave in for another 2 minutes if required.

They came out looking just like eggy muffins but did flatten after cooling.  They were also a NIGHTMARE to get out of the tin but tasted delicious and I will definitely make a batch again for breakfasts!

They went down a treat at the picnic which was one of my favourite meetings ever.  :)  See the full report I wrote over on the Glasgow Baking Club website but here's a sneak peek below...

I only managed to stay an hour, despite having so much fun, as I was so tired but popped in to see Roz on my way home and she presented me with this...

She knows I don't like diet drinks but she spotted it by chance and I won't drink it anyway as I want to keep my special bottle :)

1 comment:

Amanda M said...

They look delicious! I fancy the mushrooms in them too like your first pic.

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